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Writer's picture: Hands on Wheel Driving SchoolHands on Wheel Driving School

When thinking of overtaking a slower moving vehicle on a single laned road, ask yourself three sets of questions:

Is it necessary? Is the vehicle to be passed going that much slower than the speed limit?Will you be turning off soon?Is the vehicle to be passed likely to turn off? Is it legal?-Don’t overtake near a pedestrian crossing or when you see these markings or signs: Where there are double white lines, you must not cross them to overtake if the line closest to you is solid (unless passing a stationary vehicle, cycle, horse or road maintenence vehicle which is travelling at 10mph or less).

Is it safe? Where there is oncoming traffic, your closing speed is both of your speeds combined, potentially very fast! Avoid overtaking where there are junctions ahead. Don’t overtake if you can’t see clearly ahead due to:                       -Bends                       -Brow of a hill                       -Dips in the road                       -Poor weather conditions

Procedure Mirrors-Main and right. Position-Keep a good distance from the vehicle you need to pass maintaining the appropriate stopping distance for the speed you’re travelling at. Move a little right for a better view but not over the centre line. Speed-Consider a lower gear to provide the power you may need to pass quickly. Look-Look well ahead, considering all of the points above. Mirrors-If it’s good to go, then check your main and right mirror again. Beware of traffic passing you. Signal-Use a right signal for the benefit of the vehicle you’re passing, if nobody else. Manoeuvre-Use plenty of gas to get past quickly, allowing at least 1.5metres(6ft) from the side of the vehicle. Consider a left signal if you can see the vehicle in your left mirror and move back over smoothly when you can see both of it’s headlights  in your Interior mirror.

Overtaking Cyclist:

Overtaking Cyclists

Be very careful when approaching and passing cyclists.They have every right to be on the road and are particularly vulnerable. Be extra careful passing young cyclists as they can be less predictable. Cyclists may swerve to avoid potholes and gutters or be blown in high winds. For this reason, pass them allowing plenty of space, 1.5 metres (6ft) or so. Pass with the full overtaking procedure, making sure you get past reasonably quickly and allowing them plenty of space before steering back in. Don’t overtake a cyclist if you’re planning to take left side road immediately afterwards. Consider whether it’s really necessary to overtake when approaching built up traffic or traffic lights. The cyclist may go on to make more progress than you. Be careful approaching parked cars by anticipating how widely the cyclist will swerve to pass. Don’t overtake where the road is narrow due to a central reservation. If you need to wait to pass, then adjust your speed and gear and hold well back, allowing yourself space and time to react and plan your manoeuvre. Do not intimidate the cyclist by following very closely. In summary, your two options when approaching cyclists from behind are: Follow with plenty of space or..Pass with plenty of space. Overtaking Cyclists in Lanes Never try to squeeze past cyclists when overtaking amongst lanes Apply the lane change procedure and when it is safe, move into the next lane as far as you need to allow the cyclist plenty of space.

Overtaking Buses:

Overtaking Buses

When following buses, anticipate them stopping at bus stops by keeping a keen eye for their left signal. Stay well behind them so that you might see the bus stop ahead. Keeping a good distance behind also gives you extra space and time to respond when the bus signals to pull over. Respond by applying the overtaking procedure. 1.If it’s unsafe to pass, then stop and wait two or three car lengths behind the bus and near to the centre line so that you can see past it.  Plan to overtake the bus when it is safe. Don’t just sit and wait until it pulls away as it may be stopped for some time. When it is clear to pass, make sure the bus hasn’t signalled right to set off, also checking your main and right mirror for traffic overtaking from behind. If it’s safe, signal right (for the benefit of the bus driver at least) and steer out smoothly, allowing it plenty of space. 2.The yellow car in the picture above has time to abondon its passing procedure as the bus signals to pull away. The red car is already committed so should continue. Bus drivers are trained to apply their indicator as soon as they're ready but will not move until vehicles in the process of overtaking have had time to pass. Pass cautiously in case passengers that have departed the bus are trying to cross the road in front of it.

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